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The United Nations’ International Year of Youth
Published:2010/9/2 10:57:59
August 12, 2010, marked the launching of the United Nations’ International Year of Youth. On this day, UNESCO has hosted one very big ceremony in its headquarters. This international celebration of the youth aims at encouraging the youth of the world to put their enthusiasm, their creativity and their energy into the development of mutual comprehension, into the promotion of social and cultural actions. As a partner of the United Nations, Beautiful Life Development Plan Foundation (BLDP) hosted a celebration event in its Shanghai office. In the event, President Ms. Jennie Yeung invited several artists and enterprisers coming to share their mutual concern and willingness to help the promotion of International Year of the Youth.
The artists invited were Mr Xu Yuanzhang (徐元章) , a watercolour painter and musical arranger from Shanghai, Shen Songqian (沈松泉), a deaf-mute painter who received multiple awards in China, and Fan Rong (范融), vice president of the Chinese Cultural Association and painter. In the event the painters each painted one wonderful painting and contributed them to the BLDP as gifts. Shanghai Lianzhou Culture Communications Co., Ltd. also donated 10 sets of stamps printed per the painting of master painter Xu Beihong.
At same time, the guests from enterprises also contributed their gifts to the Niulu Town Kindergarten of Xinjiang Yili Chabuchaer County which was rebuilt from one very dangerous building under BLDP’s help in 2008. Designed by YY Creative (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, manufactured by Shanghai Liangyou Dress Co. Ltd., 300 very cute school uniforms were donated on behalf by Mr. Chen Chushi, Managing Director of Textile & Garment Chamber of Commerce, All-China Association of Industry & Commerce.  Renowned writer, in charge person of BLDP Xinjiang Niulu Town Kindergarten Rebuilding Project, Mr. Kanglin Zhao has presented and received the gifts on behalf of the kindergarten. CEIBS alumni Huijie Group have donated 5 computers and some books. Suzhou Zhitong Technologies donated some green internet education software. The national library project was co-initiated by Ms. Jennie Yeung and Wu Shen, Reprehensive of Shanghai Century Publishing Company Group, and has been acknowledged and supported by PhD. Shi Gendong, Acting Director, and Mr. Yang Zhibin, Vice Director of China Working Committee, UNESCO Project on Education for Sustainable Development.
During his visit of Shanghai Expo, Mr. William Ho, Chairman of Sun Zhongshan Foundation, Hongkong Charity Union, was also invited to BLDP shanghai office to present 2010-2011 UN International Year of Youth celebration. Mr. Ho has expressed his support and brought up many valuable suggestions. 
As such, the whole BLDP team wants to thank those beautiful minds of our time. Indeed, this donation will give us even more motivation to commit into the development of a beautiful life for everyone, starting with the children.
By developing mutual comprehension, the UN’s leaders intend to create the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a series of actions to take in order to solve some of the challenges faced by mankind, such as extreme poverty, the respect of human rights and environmental problems. By giving the youth the opportunity to speak their mind on the environmental challenges faced by the earth on the “Voice of the Youth Bilingual Competition Speech”, held on June 1st, 2010, and hosting some other activities, BLDP proved to have common interests with the vision and mission of United Nations, and will persistently dedicated to them.