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"Voice of the Youth" : Better environment, Better life
Published:2010/9/2 10:53:35
Better environment, Better life 普陀区中远实验学校 徐艳纯 Hello friends! Nowadays, the hottest theme which is low carbon. That means low waste and save energy. Do you still remember that the world leaders were meeting in Copenhagen to combat global warming last year? They discussed that we should live in a low-carbon lifestyle. But how can we live in a low carbon lifestyle? As a student, I have some suggestions. Firstly, making use of public transport is a great way to live a low- carbon life and reduce our carbon footprints. If more people ditch their cars, traffic and pollution will be reduced, and public services will improve. This will encourage even more people to hop onto the buses and underground trains. So, not only can you avoid traffic jams in the short term, but in the long term you can actually prevent them! Now, I have a question. How often do you agonize over which drink to choose? One minute or two minutes? Whenever we open a freezer or fridge door, energy is wasted. Therefore, it’s better to decide what you want beforehand. Let your brain, not the freezer, expend energy. Every year, millions of people around the globe send greeting cards to friends and relatives. Think of all the trees needed to make the cards, and the energy used to transport them. These days e-cards are becoming more popular: they are cheaper, better for the environment, and always arrive on time! And it’s easy to find cards made from recycled materials. As we all know, China aims to hold the first ‘green’ World Expo in Shanghai. Several Expo pavilions have been designed to make use of the rays from the sun. We know Shanghai is a better city where people live a better life. Friends, I think tiny streams can combine into a vast ocean, small trees can together be an immense forest. We should always remember in our mind that low-carbon lifestyle, we can do it! Good habits (in our daily life) can help sustainable growth Dear Guests, Teachers and Friends, Good morning, I’m Fang Zijun from Beijing Xicheng Foreign Language School. Two days ago, my teacher announced in front of the whole class: Fang Zijun got “falling pies from the sky”— he will take part in a speech contest at the Shanghai World Expo on behalf of our school, and she went on to remind us this is really a special honor because I would go to the Expo as one of the participants instead of a visitor. For me, this “breaking news” finally makes my Expo dream come true. My parents and I have been planning on an Expo tour since last summer. It’s not only because the Expo is held in Shanghai, an easier reach for all the Chinese people, but also because the Expo is by far the largest World Expo in the history and with its theme of "Better City, Better Life", the Shanghai World Expo for sure will present us blueprints for future cities and harmonious urban life styles. As it is explained through sub-themes of the Expo, harmonious urban life styles include blending of diverse cultures in the city, economic prosperity, science and technology innovations, re-modeling of communities and interactions between urban and rural areas. Another important concept of the Shanghai World Expo is energy saving and emission reduction. It also calls for low-carbon life style. We all know that better life depends on sustainable growth of the economy and improvement of our environment. Both of these require us to save energy, reduce emission and make efficient use of the available resources. In these days, almost everybody is aware that over-exploitation of natural resources and non-restricted use of energy will damage our environment and bring more natural disasters. Nations including China have made great plans for reducing carbon dioxide emission and developing clean and renewable energy. As individuals, we can also make our own contribution to save energy and reduce emission in our daily life. In my family, energy-saving light bulbs have been used for more than ten years. We continue to use the low-power air-conditioner which was bought in the same year when I was born. My grandparents flush the toilet with the same water after they rinse vegetables or clothes. Several days ago, I saw my grandmother made many lovely paper bowls using the old magazines and asked her why. She told me that we can use these paper bowls to collect dinner wastes later. I realized suddenly that everybody could become a “genius” and very creative if we keep in mind our goals of energy saving and environmental protection. Dear Guests, Teachers and Friends, The Expo tour today showed us many good examples for circulated energy utilization and low-carbon lifestyle. Let’s make energy-saving a lifetime habit and leave our children and grandchildren a better world! Thank you.