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June 1st Activities - Shanghai Hongkou Child Welfare Home
Published:2010/9/2 10:52:09
June 1st, Afternoon
Because of its commitment to support those in need and spread love around the world for everyone, BLDP organized a show on the International Children’s Day at the Shanghai Hongkou Child Welfare Home. BLDP and Mr.Chunjun invited the 85 children from the orphanage to gather in a classroom, transformed into an auditorium for this occasion. Illuminating the children’s face all of a sudden, organizers and performers received a warm welcome as they entered the room, holding 10 packages of presents !
Everyone received a present : small figurines, pencils, sweets… Special prizes were given as a reward for the best behaving kids. Children also took part in the show. Some hard-of-hearing kids have been dancing and singing “Haibao is coming”. We could also attend the recitation of a poem by a group of mentally handicapped children. One of them arrived in the orphanage at the age of 6, and showed us the stunning progress he made during a diabolo show.
Artists from the famous shanghainese  group Shanghai Xiao Ying Xing (上海小荧星) came on request of BLDP and performed during the show. Other artists included a Bian Lian (“Face-changing”) performer and a magician from the Shanghai Magician Association. The show ended with two songs by Mr. Guo, as a joyful conclusion of an afternoon devoted to peace, friendship and arts, values our foundation holds dear